What Does 'Letting Go' Mean Anyway?

What Does 'Letting Go' Mean Anyway?

What does it mean to be human? We’re more than our anatomy and neurology, right? Perhaps it’s how our anatomy and neurology interacts with the physical world: how we behave, is that what makes up the human experience? Or is there more to it? Phoebe discusses the yoga yama ‘aprigraha’ (non-attachment) and its role in letting go in order to ‘swing’ with life.

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Living, Speaking and Breathing Your Truth – A Map for an Authentic Life

Living, Speaking and Breathing Your Truth – A Map for an Authentic Life

To celebrate World Honesty Day, Phoebe coaches you to use an impactful technique to help set your internal compass to point towards ‘Truth’ so that you can live an authentic fulfilling life that feels in full alignment to your values.

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