Detox Your Mind

Detox Your Mind

With her usual Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)/yogic philosophy combination, Phoebe discusses how we can detox our inner perceptions, thoughts and feelings so that we can relate to ourselves, others and the world around us with purity. 

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What Does 'Letting Go' Mean Anyway?

What Does 'Letting Go' Mean Anyway?

What does it mean to be human? We’re more than our anatomy and neurology, right? Perhaps it’s how our anatomy and neurology interacts with the physical world: how we behave, is that what makes up the human experience? Or is there more to it? Phoebe discusses the yoga yama ‘aprigraha’ (non-attachment) and its role in letting go in order to ‘swing’ with life.

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Living, Speaking and Breathing Your Truth – A Map for an Authentic Life

Living, Speaking and Breathing Your Truth – A Map for an Authentic Life

To celebrate World Honesty Day, Phoebe coaches you to use an impactful technique to help set your internal compass to point towards ‘Truth’ so that you can live an authentic fulfilling life that feels in full alignment to your values.

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What is Yoga Nidra?

What is Yoga Nidra?

‘Defrag the mind’ with a yoga nidra practice. Simple yet powerful, a yoga nidra practice can produce healing that leads to significant life changes. Founded in the yogic belief that to change the external experience of life requires changing the inner landscape of the mind, it builds the strength of whilst resting and restoring balance. 

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Mudra of the Month - Vishnu Mudra

Mudra of the Month - Vishnu Mudra

Mudras have been used in the Eastern world for thousands of years, their purpose is to channel and redirect energy within the body to achieve optimal health and vitality. The word mudra translates as "seal", it is used to describe a physical gesture made with the body or the hands.

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Mudra of the Month - Apana Mudra

Mudra of the Month - Apana Mudra

Mudras have been used in the Eastern world for thousands of years, their purpose is to channel and redirect energy within the body to achieve optimal health and vitality. The word mudra translates as "seal", it is used to describe a physical gesture made with the body or the hands.

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How Yoga Can Help You Find Your Voice

How Yoga Can Help You Find Your Voice

Voice is more than vocal chords – it’s what we say, how we say it and the influence that has on both our inner and outer worlds.  Phoebe shares a yoga practice that focuses on developing the depth and resonance of your voice as a powerful way to becoming your authentic self, making real in the world, what you envisage internally. “the voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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The Story Behind Yoga's "Warrior" Poses

The Story Behind Yoga's "Warrior" Poses

Anyone who has step a foot in a Yoga class would have been told to hold a warrior, to move from cat to cow, or to lift into downward facing dog. Many of these poses find their names as their shapes resemble an animal or a function, but some have an actual story rooted in the Indian history and Hindu tradition.

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