Apple Cider Vinegar For Immunity: Make Your Own


Apple cider vinegar is made through the process of fermenting apples and is high in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

It has a whole host of health benefits including lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion and there is evidence it can help with weight loss, and even lessen the effects of arthritis.*

So why not make your own? It’s incredibly easy and you can ensure you keep the all-important “Mother” in it - a complex structure of beneficial acids and bacteria, that’s often filtered out of commercial versions.


  • Approx. 1kg organic apples

  • 2 tbsp organic sugar per litre of water

  • Sterilised jars


Fill each jar 3/4 full with apple. You can use core, peel, pips – throw it all in!

Dissolve 1 tablespoon sugar per 500 ml water. You need to use enough to completely cover the apples.

Pour the sugary water over the apples until they are completely submerged.

Weigh down the apples – baking beans wrapped in baking parchment work well.

Cover with a coffee filter and secure with the jar rubber band.

Store in a dark place and leave it for approximately 4 weeks.

After 4 weeks strain the apples, sieve the liquid and return it to the jar.

Re-cover and put the jar back in a dark spot for another 4 weeks, stirring every few days.

When the vinegar has reached the “tartness” you like, start using it.

Dilute  2 tbsp in water and take daily for an extra health kick!

* As always, this is not medical advice and any serious health conditions should be presented to a medical professional

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Georgina is a gardener, writer and presenter. She is passionate about how gardening can complement a holistic lifestyle and how small changes can make a big impact on your happiness.

For regular articles and videos you can go to her website or follow her on Facebook and Instagram @thehappiestgarden

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