The Benefits of Forgiveness

The Benefits of Forgiveness

It’s not only your mental health, wellbeing and relationships that can benefit from forgiving others – processing your emotions and reflecting inwardly lead to growth, development and transformation. Psychotherapist Jen Woodward, explains some tools that can be used to practice forgiveness and let go of anger and bitterness.

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Living, Speaking and Breathing Your Truth – A Map for an Authentic Life

Living, Speaking and Breathing Your Truth – A Map for an Authentic Life

To celebrate World Honesty Day, Phoebe coaches you to use an impactful technique to help set your internal compass to point towards ‘Truth’ so that you can live an authentic fulfilling life that feels in full alignment to your values.

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How to Boost Your Self Esteem

How to Boost Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem is our own personal evaluation of our self and our own worth. It includes values, beliefs about ourselves, confidence and our emotional states. Jen Woodward explores what might be affecting your self-esteem and presents some healthy ways to help lift it.

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Making Contentment and Happiness Co-Exist

Making Contentment and Happiness Co-Exist

There's a difference between pushing toward happiness, and finding happiness in where we are today, but they don’t have to be opposing forces. In fact, they work best in harmony, as wellness author & professional Jacquelyn J Salvador shares in today’s piece.

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Spice Rack: Cinnamon - Kheer (Indian Rice Pudding)

Spice Rack: Cinnamon - Kheer (Indian Rice Pudding)

This month’s spice is warming wonder cinnamon. While it will always remind us of Christmas, it’s a really versatile spice that brings a warm richness to sweet and savoury dishes all year round.  It’s also been proven to help stabilise blood sugar levels so is a great addition to your diet for your overall wellbeing… and cinnamon swirls.

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Feeling all the Feelings: Hurt and Pain

Feeling all the Feelings: Hurt and Pain

Jen Woodward examines why and how we might back away from our painful experiences. Numbing them might be easier, but those feelings often manifest in unhealthy ways and we tend to make the same mistakes again. Learn how to show up and face your feelings.

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Emulate Nature

Emulate Nature

When the new year comes around, many people find themselves on a determined though destructive pathway of achieving unreasonable New Year’s Resolutions by over-crowding the month’s calendar with too many social and working activities. Instead, Ellen suggests trying to emulate nature. Slow down, hibernate, remember winter is the season to rest.

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What is Yoga Nidra?

What is Yoga Nidra?

‘Defrag the mind’ with a yoga nidra practice. Simple yet powerful, a yoga nidra practice can produce healing that leads to significant life changes. Founded in the yogic belief that to change the external experience of life requires changing the inner landscape of the mind, it builds the strength of whilst resting and restoring balance. 

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